Learn How To Find Forgiveness Gratitude Love Compassion in life By Opening Heart Chakra
Traditional Name: Anahata Chakra
Layer: Astral
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Location: Chest
Ruling planet: Venus
Related glands / body parts: Heart and lungs; thymus gland
Sound: “AHA”
Mantra: “YAM”
The meaning of the Sanskrit word “Anahata” is unstuck sound. The heart chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness. Trust, Purity, caring and affection is manifested at this chakra. As this chakra becomes purified, a greater sensitivity and emotional balance radiates across the body. This chakra is considered the beginning point of divinity in man. The heart chakra is the bridge that connects and elevates the lower chakras (associated with animal instincts) with, the higher chakras (associated with spiritual growth). The real transformation in the spiritual life starts with the heart chakra; moving towards a serene and calm mind without any violence. It is here that one gets the wisdom of the true self. If consciousness is in this state, one’s creativity and talent are fully manifested. “Sankalpa,” the determined desire, is fulfilled by visualization, meditation, and concentration on one’s Sankalpa and heart.
Objective of Heart Chakra:
- Compassionate attitude
- Acceptance of one’s own masculine and feminine emotions
- A forgiving attitude
- Self-approval
- Heartfelt love and affection
More Characteristics Of The Heart Chakra:
- This chakra is positioned in between the three upper and lower chakras.
- In the heart, the true attitude of selfless love starts.
- One has to have a selfless heart in order to develop true compassion and love.
- This chakra converts the imagination to determination.
- When the heart chakra is open, one starts accepting others despite their faults.
- When the heart chakra is open there is no feeling of guilt and relationships are harmonious.
- When the heart chakra is open, giving and receiving happens automatically and naturally.
- When the heart chakra opens there is gratitude towards others, one wants to start helping and serving others without expecting anything in return.
- When the heart chakra is open, we start recognizing others from the heart without any kind of deception.
- When the heart chakra is open one becomes committed in their duties and responsibilities.
- Once the energy reaches this level, both the feminine and masculine qualities of the mind are properly understood.
What Happens When Your Heart Chakra is Blocked or Closed?
- You feel the need to please others in order to receive love.
- You feel guarded and keep your heart closed as a form of protection.
- Past experiences and feelings of hurt have not been resolved/released from the body.
- You feel cold hearted and inhuman. Destructive tendencies.
- You become demanding and overly critical.
- You become possessive and moody.
- You love conditionally.
- You feel indecisive.
- You feel the fear of letting go, fear of being hurt, fear of being free and fear of being abandoned.
- You feel feelings of unworthiness in love.
What Happens When Your Heart Chakra is Open?
- Your relationships are harmonious.
- Giving and receiving is smooth and easy.
- You feel that life is wonderful and have gratitude for your existence.
- You are content and appreciative of relationships.
- You are able to feel compassionate to yourself and not make others feel sorry for you.
- You feel Loving.
- It gives you nurturing.
- You become compassionate.
- It tells that both partners dissolving into love itself.
- It brings transcendence of conflict in relationships
Learn How You Can Do Heart Chakra Questions for Self-Examination
The Heart Chakra influences your relationships, deals with love and its blockage in the time of grief. When the Energy is dominant in this centre, you became the creator…
- Which emotional memories you have that still need healing?
- Do you have any broken relationships that you want to heal?
- Do you try to manipulate people or situations with your emotional issues? If yes, describe them.
- Do you ever feel burdened by the emotional issues of the other person? How do you feel about their possibility of happening again in future? How do you plan to get yourself out of such situation in case it occurs again?
- Does the idea of being emotionally healthy scare you?
- Do you believe that the only way to have emotional health is never to get into an intimate relationship?
- What’s your definition of forgiveness?
- Do you have anyone form your past or present who you need to forgive? Why do you think it’s hard for you to let go of the pain that you associate with the bad memories or incidences?
- Do you seek forgiveness from the others? What is it for which you blame yourself?
- What is your definition of a healthy relationship? Are you open to let that pain go and open your heart for a healthy, intimate relationship?
Simple Easy Meditation To Open Anahata Heart Chakra
(A simple EASY technique to release Sadness, doubt, fear and to bring Love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness into your life)
Heart Chakra Meditation has been advised by several traditions and religions. As we know that heart chakra is in the middle of all the chakras, it is the link between those in the upper level as well as in the lower level. It is the seat of love, understanding, affection, caring and all the qualities of human nature.
Meditation Tips Before We Get Started:
It is essential to be in a comfortable and a relaxed position before beginning any meditation practice.
The place chosen for meditation practice must be calm, quiet, have a free flow of air and must be free from any external disturbances.
Sitting posture must be perfect for meditation.Neck should be straight, spine upright, and erect.
Head should be straight like you are watching someone in front of you, this allows your mind to calm down.
Keep eyes closed throughout, no strain should be felt in neck or facial muscles, also try to relax your shoulders, arms, and thighs before meditation.
Simple Easy Meditation To Open Anahata Heart Chakra
Stage No 1 (Humming Sound Healing Meditation)
- Start by sitting in comfortable meditative position.
- Sitting posture chosen must be perfect for meditation. Neck should be straight, spine upright, and erect.
- Witness your natural breathing process for few movements.
- Keep the palms on the knees.
- Observe your natural breathing process.
- Drop your shoulders and relax.
- Gently touch the lips at the same time so as to make the “hum” sound reaches the head, face, neck muscles without any effort.
- Relax the jaws.
- Playing slow music in the background is recommended for enjoying the experience.
- Inhale slowly.
- Close the lips and exhale.
- Make “mmm” sound while breathing out. The sound generated during this practice like that of the sound generated by us by putting the face inside a vessel.
- Continue to create the sound till the end of exhalation. Make it deep and loud as far as possible. It should be natural as the deep breath is taken by the body automatically, without any effort.
- While it is a tone, it is possible to make it musical.
- Continue the practice making “mmm” sound with next breath cycle.
- This time, the energy generated through the practice enters all the cells of the body and cleanses it.
- Enjoy the blissful state with a pleasant and smiling face.
- Allow the thoughts to come and go. Just watch the mind and be a witness for the thoughts.
- Continue humming for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Relax and slowly let to of technique for 5 to 7 minutes.
State 2 Heart Chakra Awareness Breathing
- Take a few moments to simply be”. Notice whatever is being experienced at the moment. Sounds, physical sensations, thoughts, feelings.
- For few movements observe your natural breathing process. Bring your attention on to your body let go of thoughts about outside world.
- Now bring your focus your attention on your spiritual heart center, which in the middle of your chest between the breast.
- Let your awareness & attention be at your heart center, through the nose start to breathe gently and sense your breath is flowing gently into your heart.
- Let your incoming breath feel your heart with love & light and let your outgoing breathe release unwanted feelings from your heart centre.
- Continue doing this for 8 to 10 minutes only.
- Slowly let of technique & and just relax and watch whatever happens inside for 2 or 3 minutes, you will start to observe your heart centre will begin to release unwanted repressed emotions, past unresolved memories about love relationships, wishes, fears and worry about love.
- You may observe of compassionate attitude towards yourself or for others.
- You may start to observe self acceptance, deep gratitude & love feeling towards your or for others.
- Slowly bring your hands & legs down and relax in Shavasana with complete silence with eyes closed. Just remain in silence and don’t focus on anything in particular. Allow yourself to become aware and watch whatever is happening inside your body. Just relax and be a witness to experience. Continue this for around 10 to 15 minutes.
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